13 ianuarie 2010

The Raveonettes - Last Dance (acoustic)

Tot am amanat sa zic ceva de ultimul album Raveonettes lansat in final de 2009, m-am luat eu cu alte chestii si am uitat, cert e ca dupa ce l-am ascultat de cateva ori sunt foarte multumit de el. In and out of control e ceva mai diferit de Lust Lust Lust (primul pe care l-am ascultat de la ei, si care era super noise and super dark) in sensul ca e mai pop un pic dar la fel de galagios in unele piese si tot cu teme de genu suicide, drugs, rape, heartbreak adica intunecat. Ceea ce e cam greu de imaginat cand vocile celor doi danezi au o muzicalitate tare faina.

In fine, nu facem analiza ci ideea era ca gasisem o piesa f misto cantata insa altfel decat pe album, cu chitari acustice si care are chiar un clip mai inedit, ca altfel nici nu-l puneam pe blog, sunt cei doi solisti, in lift cantand Last Dance:

 si versurile, normal:

Your lipstick
Smeared beside
I adore you
I always have
And everytime you overdose
I rush to intensive care
Another sad eye stare
Before you disappear

If this is the last dance, this is the last dance
Then, save it for me baby
If this is the last dance, this is the last dance
Then, save it for me baby

Ooh, ooh
Then save it for me baby
Ooh, ooh
Then, save it me baby

Your addiction
And you are in love
Not starcrossed
I wait my turn
And everytime you overdoes
I rush to Intensive Care
Another sad eye stare
Before you disappear

If this is the last dance, this is the last dance
Then, save it for me baby
If this is the last dance, this is the last dance
Then, save it for me baby

Ooh, ooh
Then save it for me baby
Ooh, ooh
Then, save it for me baby

I wanna know, I wanna know
If it's the last, if it's the last
I wanna know, I wanna know
Baby, baby, please

If this is the last dance, this is the last dance
Then, save it for me baby
If this is the last dance, this is the last dance
Then, save it for me baby

Then save it for me baby
Ooh (This is the last dance, this is the last dance)
Then, save it for me baby

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