The Hives
I bought no gifts this year
And I slept with your sister
I know I should have thought twice before I kissed her
But with the year we had last
And the dress that she wore
I just went along for the ride
And I came back for more
And I’m sorry, baby
Cyndi Lauper
(That’s all okay honey cause see)
I bought no tree this year
And I slept with your brother
I wrecked your Daddy’s car
And went down on your Mother
I set your record collection on fire
And said I never knew
Felt kind of bad about that
And I know you did too
So whatever you say, it’s all fine by me
Who the f@#k anyway wants a Christmas tree
Duet : Cyndi Lauper and The Hives
Cause the snow keeps on fallin
Even though we were bad
It’ll cover the filth, we should both just be glad
And spend this Christmas together
The Hives
I married you last year
Bet you thought I was sober, right?
But I was drunk as a skunk and I made a mistake
This could all have been over
Cyndi Lauper
Ah honey please don’t excuse your behaviour
Cause I hired a hitman and changed your will
Cyndi Lauper and The Hives
It’s now all in my favour
So whatever you say, it’s all fine by me
Who the f@#k anyway wants a Christmas tree
Cause the snow keeps on fallin
Even though we were bad
It’ll cover the filth, we should both just be glad
Duet : Cyndi Lauper and The Hives
And spend-spend-spend this Christ-Christmas together
And spend-spend-spend this Christ-Christmas together
And spend-spend-spend this Christ-Christmas together
And spend-spend-spend this Christ-Christmas together
The Hives
Holding on without any reason
Cause something’s strong (something’s strong)
This holiday season (this holiday season)
Duet : Cyndi Lauper and The Hives
So whatever you say, it’s all fine by me
And who the f@#k anyway wants a Christmas tree
Cause the snow keeps on fallin
Even though we were bad
It’ll cover the filth, we should both just be glad
And spend-spend-spend this Christmas together
Come on!
"Ma folosesc de blogul bloggerilor timisoreni pentru a va ruga sa luati atitudine, nu impotriva justitiei, pentru ca se pare ca in fata ei totul e de fapt la mana banilor, ci pentru a ajuta o mama. O mama care si-a pierdut fiul intr-un mod stupid, care pe langa faptul ca se confrunta cu durerea inegalabila provocata de moartea baiatului ei, mai trebuie sa suporte si grija unui apartament pe care nu poate sa il plateasca. Pentru a lamuri treaba asta cu apartamentul, ca sa nu existe suspiciuni sau alte semne de intrebare: acest apartament a fost cumparat cu credit ipotecar de catre Lucian Reja si urma sa il platesca el, insa cum moartea il va impiedica sa faca asta de acum inainte, cea pe capul careia au ramas datoriile, este mama lui. Femeia nu isi poate permite sa il plateasca, si oricum termenul scadent e mult prea apropiat pentru a scoate dintr-un joben suma necesara.De asta, va propun voua, oameni carora va pasa de dreptate, oameni pe care sper ca sarbatorile de Craciun ii induioseaza, sa faceti un gest umanitar si sa depuneti in conturile de mai jos o suma cat de mica sau cat de mare va lasa punga pentru a ii usura acestei femei existenta."
Banca Comercială Română, filiala Timişoara Piaţa Dacia, conturi :
EUR – RO42 RNCB 0552 1046 8424 0002
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