Sunt amortit. Nu obosit. Nici plictisit. Doar amortit, ca un crocodil nebatut de soare de vreo 3 zile si care are dificultati si sa se tarasca pana la un hoit de caprioara. N-am chef nici sa scriu nici sa ma uit la filme(!) asa ca ascult muzica. Pe masura ce ascult se iveste un tipar in playlist. Piesele vesele sunt tot mai putine si alea triste se inmultesc. De ce oare? De ce melodiile sad te "ating" mai puternic cand le asculti singur, iar cele happy cand le asculti impreuna cu altii? N-am idee. Am vazut ca multi s-au lepsuit intre ei ca sa-si afle preferintele pt piesele triste. O fi din acelasi motiv? Oare daca le ascultam impreuna se transforma in piese vesele? In ideea ca mai bine sa ne bucuram de necazul altora decat sa ne regasim in tristetea versurilor lor. Pai daca asa e am si eu multe piese numa bune de taiat venele(n-o faceti acasa!) :
Counting Crows - Colorblind: pian si voce. pielea mi se increteste. i am ready.
"I am covered in skin
No one gets to come in
Pull me out from inside"
Counting Crows - Colorblind: pian si voce. pielea mi se increteste. i am ready.
"I am covered in skin
No one gets to come in
Pull me out from inside"
Damien Rice - 9 crimes: e o crima daca te insel din moment ce tu m-ai impins la asta?
"leave me out with the waste this is not what i do
it's the wrong kind of place to be thinking of you
it's the wrong time for somebody new
it's a small crime and i got no excuse"
"leave me out with the waste this is not what i do
it's the wrong kind of place to be thinking of you
it's the wrong time for somebody new
it's a small crime and i got no excuse"
Poets of the fall - Carnival of rust : poezie rock buna de bagat pe sub usa. Succes garantat!
"Come feed the rain'cause
I'm thirsty for your love dancing underneath the skies of lust
Yeah, feed the rain'cause
without your love my life ain't nothing but this carnival of rust"
"Come feed the rain'cause
I'm thirsty for your love dancing underneath the skies of lust
Yeah, feed the rain'cause
without your love my life ain't nothing but this carnival of rust"
Poets of the fall - Sleep: doar de n-ar fi somnul vesnic :(
"Sleep, sugar, let your dreams flood in
Like waves of sweet fire, you're safe within"
"Sleep, sugar, let your dreams flood in
Like waves of sweet fire, you're safe within"
Evanescence - My Immortal: aceeasi tristete si disperare ca pe tot albumul
"These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase"
"These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase"
Milosh - In these arms: nerecomandata celor cu inima sfaramata - provoaca suvoaie de lacrimi;
"You're wrapped around me
Carving yourself in my skin
I can hardly breathe
As you take, as you take me in "
"You're wrapped around me
Carving yourself in my skin
I can hardly breathe
As you take, as you take me in "
Oceansize - Music for a nurse: na ce poate fi mai trist decat sa-ti moara jumatatea? Serios acum...
"The dream it comes again and again
You're here
It's you
I pull you close and
Hold you tight
Into the sky you go
You go
And I can't change it "
"The dream it comes again and again
You're here
It's you
I pull you close and
Hold you tight
Into the sky you go
You go
And I can't change it "
Portishead - Roads :
"Storm.. in the morning light I feel
No more can I say
Frozen to myself
I got nobody on my side
And surely that ain't right"
"Storm.. in the morning light I feel
No more can I say
Frozen to myself
I got nobody on my side
And surely that ain't right"
Snow Patrol - You could be happy: as putea fi dar prefer sa ma simt mizerabil. E mai intens.
"You could be happy and i won't know
But you weren't happy the day i watched you go."
"You could be happy and i won't know
But you weren't happy the day i watched you go."
Snow Patrol - Set the fire to the third bar: favorita mea
"I'm miles from where you are,
I lay down on the cold ground
And I,
I pray that something picks me up and sets me down in your warm arms"
"I'm miles from where you are,
I lay down on the cold ground
And I,
I pray that something picks me up and sets me down in your warm arms"
Stateless - Bloodstream:
"Words can relay nice
They can cut you open
And the silence surrounds you and hunts you "
"Words can relay nice
They can cut you open
And the silence surrounds you and hunts you "
Stone Sour - Throgh glass: cam asta simt eu acum :))
"I'm looking at you through the glass...
Don't know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever
Feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head"
"I'm looking at you through the glass...
Don't know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever
Feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head"
U2 - If god will send his angels: cine a vazut filmu o stie bine de tot.
"Nobody else here baby
No one else here to blame
No one to point the finger...
It's just you and me and the rain "
"Nobody else here baby
No one else here to blame
No one to point the finger...
It's just you and me and the rain "
Goo goo Dolls - Iris: si pe asta la fel.
"And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am"
"And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am"
Doves - The Sulphur Man: tot ma intreb cine ar putea fi? The Ripper? Doamna cu Coasa?
"Through the streets and on your own
Almost lost and almost home
We'll be looking all we can
We'll be searching for the sulphur man"
"Through the streets and on your own
Almost lost and almost home
We'll be looking all we can
We'll be searching for the sulphur man"
O sa vorbesc doar despre 4 melodii de-aici ca pe restul nu le cunosc. :D
RăspundețiȘtergereCounting Crows, care imi aduce aminte de un fost iubit, :D, melodie de care m-am indragostit de-a dreptul. Tocmai pentru ca e trista, n-am mai ascultat-o demult.
My Immortal mi se pare chiar foarte foarte tragica. Si videoclipul reda atmosfera foarte bine.
Snow Patrol... hmm... mai tre' sa o ascult, ca nu mi s-a parut trista.
GooGoo Dolls - oooooooooooooo, cat imi place melodia aiaaaa...
Stii una care mi se pare trista de tot? Sarah McLahan - Angel. :D
ma mira Portishead... pentru ca i don't 'get' them asa cum o face restul lumii. :( Am vazut ca multa lume ii apreciaza foarte mult. Mie imi plac, but... nothing special :P
RăspundețiȘtergereFoarte bine ca ai dat si un link youtube pentru fiecare. Eu nu am putut pentru ca la multe... dadeam link catre prostii/alte articole scrise de mine. :P
Mi-a luat ceva timp sa le ascult pe toate. Dar intr-un final... i prevailed! ;))
@Tomata: am ascultat si Angel, e tot de pe coloana sonora din City of Angels. Filmul asta a beneficiat de o muzica de exceptie: U2, Goo goo Dolls, Sarah, Alanis Morissette etc..
RăspundețiȘtergere@Yogi: Imi plac Portishead dar doar cateva melodii, sunt f ciudati, Roads insa e "sfasietoare". Imi plac insa mai mult Mandalay care sunt cam in acelasi registru dar mai melodiosi. Poate stii piesa Beautiful, era intr-o reclama la Tv.
80% din melodiile din lista asta imi sunt cunoscute... le`am ascultat la timpul lor... pana knd mi s`au imprimat in suflet... din ce ai scris aici POTF Carnival of Rust e preferata mea... desi de la ei imi place cel mai mult King of Fools... i`d have liked to wear the crown... if it had brought him back to me... :)
RăspundețiȘtergere@giana: de la POTF mai ascult des Sleep.