A doua leapsa vine de la Clovershaped care vrea sa-i spun ce muzica instrumentala imi place. M-am gandit prima oara sa-i nominalizez pe Portishead, Massive Atack, Hooverphonic si altii ca ei, doar ca astia sunt mai degraba cu muzica electronica. Asa ca m-am orientat si eu spre coloanele sonore favorite si mi-am gasit-o pe cea de suflet. Inama Nushif, din soundtrackul miniseriei Children of Dune, film inspirat din cartile lui Frank Herbert. Piesa e compusa de Brian Tyler si cantata in graiul fremen, limba inventata de Herbert pentru locuitorii planetei Dune(la fel ca limba elfa a lui Tolkien). Vocea ii apartine unei cantarete iraniene, Azam Ali, iar revista Billboard o asemuia cu un "instrument de neuitat", asa ca iata piesa mea instrumentala.
Brian Tyler - Inama Nushif(Children of Dune OST)
Mai jos aveti si versurile acestui adevarat imn, in fremena si engleza:
"Inama Nushif", Music and Lyrics by Brian Tyler
Inama nushif (She is eternal)
Al asir hiy ayish (No malice can touch)
Lia-anni (Singular and ageless)
Zaratha zarati (Perpetually bound)
Hatt al-hudad (Through the tempest)
Al-maahn al-baiid (be it deluge or sand)
Ay-yah idare (A singular voice)
Adamm malum (speaks through the torrent)
Hatt al-hudad (Through the tempest)
Al-maahn al-baiid (be it deluge or sand)
Ay-yah idare (A singular voice)
Adamm malum (speaks through the torrent)
Inama nishuf al a sadarr (Forever her voice sings)
Eann zaratha zarati (through the ages eternally bound)
Kali bakka a tishuf ahatt (Sacrifice is her gift)
Al hudad alman dali (one that cannot be equaled)
Inama nishuf al a sadarr (Forever her voice sings)
Eann zaratha zarati (through the ages eternally bound)
Kali bakka a tishuf ahatt (Sacrifice is her gift)
Al hudad alman dali alia (that Alia will one day equal)
Inama nushif (She is eternal)
Al asir hiy ayish (No malice can touch)
Lia-anni (Singular and ageless)
Zaratha zarati (Perpetually bound).
Brian Tyler - Inama Nushif(Children of Dune OST)
Mai jos aveti si versurile acestui adevarat imn, in fremena si engleza:
"Inama Nushif", Music and Lyrics by Brian Tyler
Inama nushif (She is eternal)
Al asir hiy ayish (No malice can touch)
Lia-anni (Singular and ageless)
Zaratha zarati (Perpetually bound)
Hatt al-hudad (Through the tempest)
Al-maahn al-baiid (be it deluge or sand)
Ay-yah idare (A singular voice)
Adamm malum (speaks through the torrent)
Hatt al-hudad (Through the tempest)
Al-maahn al-baiid (be it deluge or sand)
Ay-yah idare (A singular voice)
Adamm malum (speaks through the torrent)
Inama nishuf al a sadarr (Forever her voice sings)
Eann zaratha zarati (through the ages eternally bound)
Kali bakka a tishuf ahatt (Sacrifice is her gift)
Al hudad alman dali (one that cannot be equaled)
Inama nishuf al a sadarr (Forever her voice sings)
Eann zaratha zarati (through the ages eternally bound)
Kali bakka a tishuf ahatt (Sacrifice is her gift)
Al hudad alman dali alia (that Alia will one day equal)
Inama nushif (She is eternal)
Al asir hiy ayish (No malice can touch)
Lia-anni (Singular and ageless)
Zaratha zarati (Perpetually bound).
O alta instrumentala faina e tot dintr-un film, de data asta coreean, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, iar piesa este Main Title cantata de Mo Ho Baroque Ensemble:
Pasez leapsa mai departe lui Nopol si Amei.
Eu am scris deja despre asta :)
Ok. am citit acum