Totul a inceput cu Big Bang. Teoretic. Si era doar o chestiune de timp pana cand fizica teoretica si Big Bang-ul sa ajunga ingredientele unui sit-com de succes. Probabil a fost nevoie de inventia internetului, aparitia gadget-urilor si nasterea unei intregi generatii de geeks care sa le foloseasca. Adica noi. Si care sa se uite la The Big Bang Theory. Asta e un serial cu geeks facut pentru geeks caci, sa fim seriosi, doar ei se inteleg intre ei. Adica tre' sa fii oarecum capabil sa pricepi teoria relativitatii, sa fi vazut Star Trek si sa te joci Play Station ca sa gusti intreaga pleiada de referinte socio-culturale ale universului in care traiesc baietii astia... Sa fiu sincer, cred ca e cel mai misto serial cu geeks si probabil singurul in care sunt prezentati intr-o lumina favorabila, aratandu-i mai mult decat niste simpli tocilari care nu-si pot gasi gagici, ci niste tocilari cu simtul umorului care nu inceteaza sa incerce.
Serialul creat de Chuck Lore (Dharma & Greg, Two and a Half Men) se invarte in jurul a 4 prieteni, 2 dintre ei colegi de apartament iar ceilalti 2 colegi de-ai primilor la Universitate. Toti fizicieni dar pe domenii subtil diferite: unul e teoritician in fizica cuantica, unul e astrofizician, si doi lucreaza in laboratoare de fizica aplicata. Din cei 4 doar trei sunt doctori in fizica (unul e doar inginer si astfel luat permanet la misto) iar din cei 3 unul e geniu si, desigur, neinteles. Sheldon (Jim Parsons), probabil cel mai carismatic personaj al serialului, cu tiradele sale verbale din care 90% sunt pur logica redusa la absurd, cu vastele sale cunostinte care ar face wikipedia sa planga la colt, cu ticurile sale fizice si verbale, cu tabieturile si obsesiile sale si, mai ales, cu vestimentatia sa colorata in care predomina logo-ul Green Lantern, e un tip ipohondru, arogant, naiv si care crede cu sinceritate ca parintii l-au uitat intr-o vizita pe planeta noastra. Astia-s tipi care ies la plimbare pana la magazinu de comics sa vada daca a aparut ultimu numar din Spider Man, astia se uita la maratoane BSG, Star Trek sau LOTR, joaca Halo sau rpg-uri medievale, se costumeaza in Superman sau Flash si il adora pe Spock. Plus ca fac experimente cool si sunt natangi cu sexul opus. Leonard se topeste dupa fetele frumoase intr-o microsecunda, Howard ar incerca sa cucereasca orice are tate, iar Raj nu scoate o vorba cand e o femeie prezenta, mai putin cand e beat. Acelasi Sheldon vorbeste despre actul sexual in termeni de coitus, copulatie sau reproducere, manifestand complet dispret fata de el, in vreme ce ailalti trei si-ar da o mana, posibil dreapta, pentru a avea o iubita. Si partea faina e ca uneori chiar au, ceea ce-i scapa temporar de eticheta de luzar.
Bun, si-n lumea astora apare o fata, Penny, vecina blonda cu minte putina care face toate bancurile cu blonde sa para franturi de realitate, si totul se transforma. Unul se indragosteste iremediabil, altul ii face numai avansuri porcoase, al treilea nu-i poate vorbi de emotie iar Sheldon o considera redusa mintal dar o tolereaza din compasiune. Iar ea le intra pe sub piele si devine un fel de legatura a lor cu lumea normala, banala si straina lor totodata, dar in care trebuie sa se descurce cu totii.
Anyway, am terminat 3 sezoane, in 2 saptamani incepe al 4-lea si abia astept alte replici pline de haz ca cele ce urmeaza:
Leonard: Sheldon, think this through. You're going to ask Howard to choose between sex and Halo.
Sheldon: No, I'm going to ask him to choose between sex and HALO 3. As far as I know sex has not been upgraded to include high-def graphics and enhanced weapons systems.
Leonard: You're right, all sex has is nudity, orgasms and human contact.
Penny: Has Leonard ever dated any regular girls?
Sheldon: Well, I assume that you're not talking about digestive regularity, because I've come to learn that such inquiries are inappropriate.
Penny: No, I mean has he ever dated someone who wasn't a brainiac?
Sheldon: Oh, well there was this one girl who had a PhD in French Literature.
Penny: How is that not a brainiac?
Sheldon: Well, for one thing, she was French. For another, it was literature.
Sheldon: Leonard, you have to do something about Penny. She's interfering with my sleep, she's interfering with my work, and if I had another significant aspect of my life, I'm sure she'd be interfering with that, too.
Raj: We now have the address of the Top Model house.
Howard: God bless you, Google Street View.
Leonard: Okay, for the record, what you guys are doing is really creepy.
Howard: You know what? If it's creepy to use the Internet, military satellites, and robot aircraft to find a house full of gorgeous young models so that I can drop in on them unexpectedly, then fine, I'm creepy.
Sheldon: I'm sorry, but I'm not going to watch the Clone Wars TV series until I've seen the Clone Wars movie. I prefer to let George Lucas disappoint me in the order he intended.
Sheldon: I'm a physicist. I have a working knowledge of the entire universe and everything it contains.
Penny: Who's Radiohead?
Sheldon: [after twitching for a minute] I have a working knowledge of the important things.
Sheldon: What exactly does that expression mean, "friends with benefits"? Does he provide her with health insurance?
Sheldon: Why are you crying?
Penny: Because I'm stupid.
Sheldon: Well, that's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
Penny: I'm a Sagittarius, which probably tells you way more than you need to know...
Sheldon:Yes... it tells us that you participate in the mass cultural delusion that the sun's apparent position relative to arbitrarily defined constellations at the time of your birth somehow affects your personality.
Penny: Participate in the what?
Leonard: Sheldon, we have to do this.
Sheldon: No we don't. We have to take in nourishment, expel waste, and inhale enough oxygen to keep our cells from dying. Everything else is optional.
Penny: What about Howard and Raj, how did [Sheldon] become friends with them?
Leonard: I don't do carbon atoms form a benzene ring? Proximity and valence electrons.
Penny: Well yeah sure, when you put it that way.
Raj: Can you believe it! He watched me work for 10 minutes and than he tried to build a little peace of software that could replace me!
Leonard: Is that really possible?
Raj: As it turned out, yes.
Anyway, am terminat 3 sezoane, in 2 saptamani incepe al 4-lea si abia astept alte replici pline de haz ca cele ce urmeaza:
Leonard: Sheldon, think this through. You're going to ask Howard to choose between sex and Halo.
Sheldon: No, I'm going to ask him to choose between sex and HALO 3. As far as I know sex has not been upgraded to include high-def graphics and enhanced weapons systems.
Leonard: You're right, all sex has is nudity, orgasms and human contact.
Penny: Has Leonard ever dated any regular girls?
Sheldon: Well, I assume that you're not talking about digestive regularity, because I've come to learn that such inquiries are inappropriate.
Penny: No, I mean has he ever dated someone who wasn't a brainiac?
Sheldon: Oh, well there was this one girl who had a PhD in French Literature.
Penny: How is that not a brainiac?
Sheldon: Well, for one thing, she was French. For another, it was literature.
Sheldon: Leonard, you have to do something about Penny. She's interfering with my sleep, she's interfering with my work, and if I had another significant aspect of my life, I'm sure she'd be interfering with that, too.
Raj: We now have the address of the Top Model house.
Howard: God bless you, Google Street View.
Leonard: Okay, for the record, what you guys are doing is really creepy.
Howard: You know what? If it's creepy to use the Internet, military satellites, and robot aircraft to find a house full of gorgeous young models so that I can drop in on them unexpectedly, then fine, I'm creepy.
Sheldon: I'm sorry, but I'm not going to watch the Clone Wars TV series until I've seen the Clone Wars movie. I prefer to let George Lucas disappoint me in the order he intended.
Sheldon: I'm a physicist. I have a working knowledge of the entire universe and everything it contains.
Penny: Who's Radiohead?
Sheldon: [after twitching for a minute] I have a working knowledge of the important things.
Sheldon: What exactly does that expression mean, "friends with benefits"? Does he provide her with health insurance?
Sheldon: Why are you crying?
Penny: Because I'm stupid.
Sheldon: Well, that's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
Penny: I'm a Sagittarius, which probably tells you way more than you need to know...
Sheldon:Yes... it tells us that you participate in the mass cultural delusion that the sun's apparent position relative to arbitrarily defined constellations at the time of your birth somehow affects your personality.
Penny: Participate in the what?
Leonard: Sheldon, we have to do this.
Sheldon: No we don't. We have to take in nourishment, expel waste, and inhale enough oxygen to keep our cells from dying. Everything else is optional.
Penny: What about Howard and Raj, how did [Sheldon] become friends with them?
Leonard: I don't do carbon atoms form a benzene ring? Proximity and valence electrons.
Penny: Well yeah sure, when you put it that way.
Raj: Can you believe it! He watched me work for 10 minutes and than he tried to build a little peace of software that could replace me!
Leonard: Is that really possible?
Raj: As it turned out, yes.
iar restul sunt aici
this show is amazing. love sheldon cooper. the geek I never met in real life :))
RăspundețiȘtergereHa, te-o prins. :)
RăspundețiȘtergereAbia astept si eu sezonul 4 ca tare dor mi-e de Sheldon si knock, knock Penny, knock, knock Penny, knock, knock Penny. :))
Ma indoiesc ca serialul ar fi "pentru geeks". Ultimul sezon(3) a avut un rating genral de 13.14 milioane, nu cred ca erau 13.4 milioane de "geeks". Deci, pararea mea este ca punctul asta de vedere de "numai pentru cunoscatori" e gresit.
RăspundețiȘtergereDaca vorbim de serial "pentru geeks", cred ca se apropie de notiunea asta mai mult serialul englez "The IT Crowd". Si btw parerea mea este ca creatorii serialului TBBT ar fi comis harakiri sa creeze un srial pentru o nisa asa de stransa, ca "geeks". Totusi vorbim de un post national, CBS, nu de un post de cablu gen Showtime sau HBO.
E opinia ta si ti-o respect doar ca ai impresia ca geek e o categorie foarte restransa de populatie si cred ca te inseli. Vorbim de Statele Unite. Iar definitia termenului e foarte cuprinzatoare: astfel ca fiecare din cei 13 mil de telespectatori putand fi un geek in felul sau...
RăspundețiȘtergereRecunosc insa ca folosirea termenului de "cunoscator" a foat oarecum hazardata din partea mea, serialul avand si suficient umor usor si accesibil pentru omul obisnuit.