Ca sa-l parafrazez pe un tip ce comenta la clipul asta: "OMG dude this is like the awesomest song ever!" Dupa cum se banuie am o noua obsesie muzicala.. I-am gasit pe tinerii astia The Orion Experience cautand in disperare melodia aia din reclama coca-cola (we are the ones you can't control) si evident ca pe-aia n-am gasit-o dar am dat peste una chiar mai reusita - Obsessed with you!!
Na, acum cati dintre voi n-ati facut obsesii pentru diversele persoane care v-au intrat asa brusc in viata de s-a lasat cu soc termic.. si apoi ca dependentii de adrenalina/ cocaina/ nicotina/ naftalina, cand efectul s-a disipat, ati vrut mai mult. Si ati devenit niste creepers-i inofensivi si dragalasi care-si tarau prietenii in diverse situatii penibile ca sa le ofere alibaiuri in coincidentele pe care si le fabricau pentru a fi aproape de obiectul "dragostei". Si apoi petreceati nooopti intregi in baruri afumate despicand de-a fir a par toate gesturile si cuvintele cu care v-or "biciuit" saracii urmariti de voi ca sa-i lasati in pace. No, pentru voi toti - stalkeri si victime, cu dedicatie, (si pentru creatza indeosebi) piesa asta. E magistrala. Numa priviti cata distractie si veselie in gasca astora.. zici ca-s blogari:
Si liricele, pentru karaoke, evident:
I've got your picture on my wall.
I dream about you when I sleep.
I go out of my way, everyday, just hoping that
I'll catch you walking down your street.
I know just where you went to school.
I know the names of all your friends.
Oh God I've got it bad again,
An o-b-s-e-s-s-i-o-n.
I know your middle name.
I've got a lock of your hair.
I'm just a little bit insane,
Cause I think I see you everywhere.
My friends, they just don't understand.
They cannot see my point of view.
They say it's gotten out of hand,
That I'm obsessed with you.
But I wanna get next to you.
Yeah I love all the things you do.
I wanna get close to you.
You are my dream come true.
I wanna have sex with you.
Your sweet caress won't do.
Cause I'm obsessed with you.
Yeah I'm obsessed with you.
Your smile sets my heart aflame.
Electrocute me with your eyes.
The very mention of your name,
My stomach fills with butterflies.
Your love is better than cocaine
I need you more than oxygen.
Oh God I've got it bad again,
An o-b-s-e-s-s-i-o-n.
I know your middle name.
I've got a lock of your hair.
I'm just a little bit insane,
Cause I think I see you everywhere.
My friends, they just don't understand.
They cannot see my point of view.
They say it's gotten out of hand,
And I'm obsessed with you.
But I wanna get next to you.
Yeah I love all the things you do.
I wanna get close to you.
You are my dream come true.
I wanna have sex with you.
Your sweet caress won't do.
Cause I'm obsessed with you.
Yeah I'm obsessed with you.
You and me, we were meant to be.
We live happily in my fantasy.
We go walking down the aisle,
Yeah you look at me and smile.
My alarm clock rings, I wake up in denial.
But I wanna get next to you.
Yeah I love all the things you do.
I wanna get close to you.
You are my dream come true.
I wanna have sex with you.
Your sweet caress won't do.
Cause I'm obsessed with you.
Yeah I'm obsessed with you.
Atat versurile cat si linia melodica ma fac sa zambesc. Ai dreptate, cu totii am trecut prin astfel de situatii, e omenesc.
RăspundețiȘtergereMie imi place veselia lor din clip. E exact ce razbate din versurile si linia melodica de care vorbesti. Despre situatia respectiva - no comment :)) Zic doar ca eu sunt destul de echilibrat din fire.. imi pastrez piticii in torpedou nu-i las sa scape pe coclauri .
RăspundețiȘtergereMomentan esti echilibrat, dar cum erai la 17 ani ?
RăspundețiȘtergereTe intereseaza un link exchange? Eu te-am adaugat deja la mine in blogroll... Daca ma consideri demn de a-mi intoarce favoarea da-mi un semn... Mersi!
melodia e geniala... de cand asteptam una din asta, care sa le zica de-adevaratelea :))
RăspundețiȘtergerethanks for sharing! :)