07 decembrie 2010

Thought of you

O melodie parca prea trista pentru asa o animatie faina. Dar, cum am zis io intotdeauna, sunt unii care gasesc inspiratie tocmai intr-un oftat.

Woke up and wished that I was dead
With an aching in my head
I lay motionless in bed
I thought of you and where you'd gone
and let the world spin madly on

Everything that I said I'd do
Like make the world brand new
And take the time for you
I just got lost and slept right through the dawn
And the world spins madly on

I let the day go by
I always say goodbye
I watch the stars from my window sill
The whole world is moving and I'm standing still

Woke up and wished that I was dead
With an aching in my head
I lay motionless in bed
The night is here and the day is gone
And the world spins madly on

I thought of you and where you'd gone
And the world spins madly on.

3 comentarii:

  1. Foarte organica animatia, fluida ca un rau in care nu intri de doua ori. N-am boxele pornite, dar nu simt ca am pierdut ceva.

  2. @corina: si mie
    @cerbul vechi: interesant ca n-ai fost tentat sa le pornesti.

