21 septembrie 2008

[Leapsa] One word Q&A

In fiecare duminica ma aflu intr-un impas in ce priveste subiectele ce merita abordate pe blog. Muzica, film, literatura, ofticioase, sau mai bine somn. Azi camelia mi-a intins o mina de ajutor lasand o leapsa in gradina mea, un set de intrebari din categoria "Cum te simti!" la care regula spune ca tre sa raspunzi intr-un singur cuvant (daca e omeneste posibil). So, here we go:

Yourself: sleepy
Your Spouse: whocares?
Your Hair: short
Your Mother: angry
Your Father: sick
Your Favorite Item: wallet
Your Dream Last Night: forgot
Your Favorite Drink: tequillasunrise
Your Dream Car: Jag
The Room You Are In: bedroom
Your Ex: FedEx?
Your Fear: LHC :p
What You Want To Be In Ten Years: techguru
Who You Hung Out With Last Night: bloggers
What Your Not: drunk
Muffins: Thanks!
One of Your Wish List Items: Car
Time: Now?
The Last Thing You Did: woke up
What You Are Wearing: black
Your Favorite Weather: hot
Your Favorite Book: Wheel of Time
The Last Thing You Ate: cake
Your Life: good
Your Mood: hungry
Your Best Friend: you :)
What Your Thinking About Right Now: To brb or not
Your Car: bike
What You Are Doing At The Moment: interrogated
Your Summer: short
Your Relationship Status: available
What Is On Your TV: nothing
What Is The Weather Like: fucking cold!
When Was The Last Time You Laughed: lastnight.

Hai ca a fost amuzant :)). E momentul pentru dezvaluiri: Liz, preia stafeta te rog. Si numaplictisi. Si tu Alice, ne scrii ceva? Adi stii cum merge treaba...

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