26 august 2008

Cand lenea e mare

nici chef de scris n-ai... Doamne ajuta ca exista un generator de posturi. Pacat insa ca nu genereaza decat scuze :))

Holy crap! I just discovered I have not updated this since they invented sliced bread... You would not believe how tidy my house now is. I'm so sorry!.

I am totally exhausted with sleeping my way to the top, soaking in the tub, just generally being a nuisance to society in general, my day drifts aimlessly from crawling out of bed at 6.30 to sun down and beyond. I am not growing up. I need some perspective.

I solemnly swear I will write something that makes sense soon. I promise! Assuming I don't get distracted by counting my chest hairs..

made using secret technology from here.

via de ce?

5 comentarii:

  1. foarte urat draga Richie :P

  2. draga "obsedato" mi-am rascumparat greseala :p. post nou nout mai sus!

  3. draga obsedata ?! :)):)):))

  4. sper ca nu te-am ofensat asemuind dependenta cu o obsesie. o dependenta sanatoasa e o obsesie nevinovata.

  5. ce dragut ai explicat! nu m-am suparat, sunt obedata, dar nu prea mergea in acel context :D

